Develop and Deepen your Prayer Life – LAIKO ‘TO! (September 4, 2024)

Pope Francis marked 2024 as the Year of Prayer, in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year. Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas, together with the Diocese of San Pablo and the Diocesan Council of the Laity of San Pablo, organized a Conference on Prayer.

Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara gave the main session, with Fr. Thor Villacarlos facilitating the Listening in the Spirit workshop.

It is always a good reminder to spend time with the Lord! How can we celebrate the Jubilee, and even the 75th year of LAIKO, in 2025, if we do not take the time to listen to Him.

Bishop Mylo gave the WHY, WHAT and HOW of Prayer in his session, and we are attaching the video below:

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