Bring hope for Jubilee 2025 – LAIKO ‘TO! (August 23, 2024)

Bring hope for Jubilee 2025

LAIKO ‘TO! (August 23, 2024)

We just completed the 5th Regional Lay Leaders Conference, and it was hosted (very efficiently and professionally) by the Jaro Archdiocesan Commission on the Laity in Iloilo City.

We had delegates from both the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Jaro and Capiz come attend, and again, it was a learning experience for everyone.

Monsi. Sinforoso Padilla encouraged the participants and challenged them as well by saying there is a need for more and active lay leaders. That is true! We need to involve more and more people in the work of the Laity, especially in the Church, and as we encourage and re-evangelize more Catholics to go back to active Church service.

And Archbishop Jose Romeo Lazo, of the Archdiocese of Jaro, messaged after the event saying that it is good that we are “bringing hope for the Laiko come Jubilee Year 2025”!

It is not only a Jubilee year, but also the 75th year of LAIKO next year, and we aim to celebrate both with active lay participation in the Church, in all Dioceses around the country!

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