Renewal of the Church – LAIKO ‘TO! (August 14, 2024)

Our Regional Lay Leaders Conferences continue! We have had 4 so far – Calbayog, Davao, Dipolog and Butuan – with two more during the next two weekends in Iloilo and Legazpi. With more in the coming weeks! We hope your Diocese is able to attend one of these Conferences.

Last weekend in Butuan, Bishop Cosme Damian Almedilla mentioned that the “renewal of the lay is the renewal of the Church” and that “we are here to complete, not to compete.”

These echo the messages we have been broadcasting not only during the Regional Conferences, but as LAIKO in general. We are not here to compete! As you see in the current composition of the Board, it is made up of representatives of Dioceses and Organizations – and that is a testament to not competing with one another! We are completing LAIKO to do more for the Church, and to do that, we cannot waste time fighting each other.

And when we work on the renewal of the Laity, making us more Catholic in our everyday lives, then definitely we will see a renewal of the Church. As the Church will also see societal transformation due to Catholics ACTUALLY BEING CATHOLIC everyday! What a thought, but the reality is it does not happen. But it will happen soon enough, once we all get our acts together!

Let’s go and renew the Church, by renewing ourselves!

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