SCADoosh! – LAIKO ‘TO! (August 7, 2024)

SCADoosh! – LAIKO ‘TO (August 7, 2024)

I have 5 children, and even though 3 of them are already teenagers, they were all young when the first Kung Fu Panda came out. Now over 4 movies, we have watched them all. And one secret weapon that he had was the Skadoosh! Where he just flips his fingers and makes a power move over his enemy.

It is very apt for the battle we have now as well. The battle to save marriages and defend the family. Congress after Congress, we see bills being discussed and passed that have no desire but to destroy marriages and the family. And in this current Congress we have the Divorce Bill. Already passed in the Lower House, and being prepared in the Senate. With only a few months to go before the close of the Session, the pro-Divorce lobbyists are on overtime.

And so are we. We will not sit idly by and let them win. We got together, trained and readied our own SCADoosh! The Super Coalition Against Divorce. And this is the not-so-secret weapon that will keep us active, inspired and energetic in the battle to defend faith, family and life!

LAIKO has also teamed up with Live Life to go around and educate more people about the Catholic Church’s stand on marriage, family and life. And also the implications and effects of the Divorce bill on all Filipino families, regardless of faith. If you need a speaker, PM us.

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