SHEMA Listen and Do Conversations IV is Cancelled

August 22, 2020
Dear Bothers & Sisters,

We wish to inform you that our Online Conversation for this afternoon has been cancelled.

Our resource speaker became very busy on the Senate hearings and the preparation of the evidences.

Our apology. We will inform you on the schedule of our next conversation.

Thank you. God bless!

LAIKO Secretariat

August 17, 2020

Dear Brothers & Sisters:

The peace and love of the Lord!

As we continue with our journey of faith through our online conversations on pressing social issues, we would like everyone to be enlightened on the PhilHealth case that besieges our health care system today.

With this, we are pleased to invite you once again to a “SHEMA” Listen and Do Conversations IV: “The PhilHealth Issue“ on August 22, 2020, 2pm to 4:00 p.m., via zoom. We have invited ATTY. THORSSON KEITH, former Fraud Officer of PhilHealth to enlighten us on the controversies surrounding our health care system that triggered his resignation.

Please invite the members of your organizations, your family members and friends. Kindly register by sending an email to: indicating your name & organization on or before August 21, 2020.

Thank you. Our prayers for everyone’s safety.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

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